Because every project deserves a perfect domain name, now choose one of the most popular extensions at the lowest prices and register it!

Partner ICI - National Institute for Development Research in Computer Science. ROTLD


99.9% Uptime Guaranteed

With over 10 years of experience in the field of web hosting, we offer Uptime SLA 99.9%.

Virus protection in real time

Virus Scanner implemented through Mod Security and automatic file scanning.

Administration by cPanel

We use the most effective domain management solution - cPanel.

Domain + Dedicated IP

We offer web domain (.com, .net, .org) and dedicated IP for free.

Unlimited domains hosting

With any reseller / vps / dedicated server package you can host unlimited domains.

Free installation and configuration

We provide free support for installing and configuring your web page.

Unlimited monthly traffic

There is no monthly traffic limit for our packages.

24/7 support

We offer quality technical support with permanent solutions.

The best prices

With the latest technologies in hosting we offer the best prices.

Customer reviews

Find out what customers think about our web hosting and collocation services.

Soluții rapide și eficiente – cam așa s-ar putea descrie pe scurt colaborarea noastră bazată pe încredere, profesionalism și promptitudine.

Catalin Arcu
Brand Manager – IBC Focus

Am găsit servicii pe măsura așteptărilor noastre, flexibilitate și oameni deschiși să ne asculte și să vină cu soluții pentru nevoile companiei noastre.

Victor Popa
Manager Vektor Marketing

I-am cunoscut pe cei de la NSHost acum mai bine de 5 ani. Eram în căutarea unui nou provider care să aibă mai puține limitări având multiple domenii de găzduit.

Aurel Stanciu
Marketing Partner JUSTAD